Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I have joined...

I am a self-declared blog stalker. I've spent loads of time on the computer tracking down lost friends, and even some family members. I find other peoples lives so entertaining that I just can't stop myself from peeking in on their goings on. I suppose that it technically isn't peeking because its all openly and publicly written, but still I always felt like I was being sneaky. After weeks of endless torment (which of course means after thinking about it for a few days) I decided to open the doors to my life and make myself a non-outsider and join the blogging world. I've always enjoyed writing and sometimes luck out, getting things written down in a slightly entertaining manner that makes sense to more people than just myself. No matter how it ends up sounding, I always end up feeling better.

It may take me a few tries to get everything settled and looking just the way I want it, but I'm looking forward to talking about myself, because who doesn't like to do that . . .


Emily said...

yeay! i'm so glad! the quality of my life just went up!

Emily said...

Yipee! I was just being sneaky and reading about your life, but I feel like this post is an invitation and I don't feel quite so sneaky.

John and Anna said...

Ashlee! Hopefully this will let you onto my blog that I just can't seem to update ever, but you should at least be able to get on it. Right?? Anyway this is a way cute blog. Good job girl.
PS I love the picture with you in the hat at the game. You look smokin! ;)

King Arthur said...

Remember that time when I was internet stalking YOU...uh, well, it wasn't right now and it probably wasn't ever..unless of course you count the time when I watched that video of you singing about a stalker like 50 times in a row...

Ah...those were the days!

Glad to find your "public self" on the web. Love you!