Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ode to my Nephews

This past month I had two new nephews born. Henry Kenneth Patterson
to Spencer and Emily
Emmett Jesse Butler
to Kendra and Chad

Both Henry and Emmett have brothers that are just under two years old. Grant is only 6 weeks older than Josh and Henry is only about 3 weeks older than Emmett. Both are adjusting pretty well to having a new baby around. Here are some pictures of Grant welcoming Henry home (on the left) and Josh bonding with Emmett (0n the right).
So I extend a warm welcome nephews #10 and #11 bringing the grand total of grand kids to 15. I love being an aunt and I'm sure it won't be too long before these two realize, I am the coolest person they know.

Henry might already know this because he spent two hours sleeping on me at the zoo, while his brother and cousin Ethan ran around looking at all the animals.

Later that night Grant and I hit the pool while his mommy dutifully took care of the baby. Grant loved "Ashy jump" which means he jumped off the side and off the steps and I caught him, over and over and over again. Now I feel a tad sorry for all the times I made my sisters or my parents catch me. Sorry guys! But It was really fun, and funny when his diaper got too heavy and fell off as he walked over to say hi to mommy.
Ethan also had a birthday which we all celebrated that weekend, with dinner at TGIFridays and a party at a bounce house in Sandy (which I don't have any pictures for.) I won't bore you with details of my other 6 nephews right now, but I'm sure you'll hear about them sometime.
I just wish I got to spend more time with them all.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Good morning shower!

I have a really great back-up alarm. Its my shower. For those of you who don't have the pleasure of knowing the arrangement of an Old Mill apartment let me show you.
I am standing in my room, and as you can see, Melissa's room is clearly visible if the shower doors are open. Thus Melissa waking me up when she gets into the shower is not an uncommon occurrence.

I usually have to be to work be for she has to be to school, so I've usually bright eyed and bushy tailed myself out of bed before she, but on the occasions that she beats me, I always feel justified to lie in bed for extra-long, which as you can imagine is bad. It makes me slow moving, late, and tired all day! Curse you incredibly weird shower.

Actually I love my shower. Its really convenient when I need to tell something to Melissa, its almost like a secret passage way, and it is a spa tub with jets and everything. You should see it when we put bubbles in and turn the jets on. Really, we can fill the whole thing with bubbles. So I feel sorry for all you people out there, that don't have the awkward, yet fascinating Old Mill Shower-thing.

Friday, April 4, 2008


This is a momentous occasion. I got my first turkey ever and a new high score in a game of bowling last night. There were only a few frames where I didn't clean house! (For some reason I feel like this won't be completely momentous until I hear a word of praise from my freakishly athletic sister) Some of you might be laugh and say "psh, that is so not a big deal, I get turkeys all the time!" But I am not afraid to admit, I am proud of my turkey which lead me to a 170, 13 points higher than ever before. Just in case you think I'm lying, I have pictures to prove it!

Candice and I decided we wanted to go bowling, so we grabbed a couple of guys and hit the alley. Which makes the victory even more sweet, I beat two gentleman twice! It was a lot of fun, for me. Plus I always enjoy a good opportunity to trash talk. Although he pretended not to care, I chose to believe that secretly it is eating him up inside that he was beat by a girl! Twice!

If you think I am being elusive about the identity of the gentleman I chose to take, I'm not trying to be. I am simply following his request not to be named specifically. So although I think it is a tad silly, I won't tell you who it was. In fact he didn't even want me to post a picture of him, which of course I did, but which one is he?

I did so well in this game, that I am now seriously considering joining a bowling league. Ok, not really, but it is kind of a funny idea.